Saturated Fat Stats (Heart Health)

Saturated Fat Stats (Heart Health)

Fat is a nutrient that helps the body function in various ways. For example, it supplies the body with energy. It also helps other nutrients work and, when it becomes fatty tissue, it protects organs and provides insulation, keeping you warm. But the body only needs small amounts of fat. Too much fat can have negative effects, including turning into unwanted excess pounds and increasing cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Saturated fat is usually solid at room and refrigerator temperatures. It is found in greatest amounts in foods from animals, such as fatty cuts of meat, poultry with the skin, whole-milk dairy products, lard, and some vegetable oils, including coconut and palm oils. Saturated fat increases cholesterol in the blood more than anything else in the diet. Keep your intake of saturated fat low.

B-man :wink: