Give or Take 150 Calories (Heart Health)

Give or Take 150 Calories (Heart Health)

Consuming 150 calories a day more than you burn can lead to a gain of 5 pounds in six months, or 10 pounds in a year. To prevent that from happening, you can either reduce the energy you put into your body or increase the energy you put out during physical activity. Doing both is a great idea.
wo easy ways to reduce energy intake by 150 calories:

Drink water instead of a 12-ounce regular soda.
Downsize a medium order of French fries to a small, or substitute a salad.
Two easy ways to increase energy output by 150 calories*:
Shoot hoops for 30 minutes.
Walk 2 miles in 30 minutes.

*Calories burned by a 150-pound person. People who weigh less will burn fewer calories doing these activities; people who weigh more will burn more.

B-man :wink: