How the Heart Works (Heart Health)

How the Heart Works (Heart Health)

Did you wonder about how the most important organ in your body works? Only the size of your fist, your heart beats 100,000 times a day and works like a pump, constantly pumping blood through your body.
The heart has chambers on the left and right side, separated by a wall of muscle called the septum. Blood vessels called veins bring blood to the heart, while other blood vessels called arteries carry blood away from the heart.

Here is how it happens:

Blood from your body enters the right side of your heart through veins. At this point, the blood is dark because it lacks oxygen.
The right side of the heart then pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to your lungs, where it combines with oxygen and turns bright red.
The oxygen-rich blood then returns to the left side of your heart and is pumped out to your body through the large artery called the aorta.
Though small, your heart does an enormous amount of work. Eating right, exercising, and living a healthy lifestyle are all important components to keeping your heart in great shape. Isn’t it time you started taking care of it?

B-man :wink: